
        Post 8: Tell us about a subject you enjoy studying Tell us about a subject you enjoy studying. Include this information: ·         What is the subject? Describe it. ·         Why do you enjoy it? ·         What have you learned ? ·         What did you think about it before you studied it? Upload pictures Make comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts Word Count: 170 words     The subject I enjoyed the most studying was history. I am always being interested in learning about the world past history. Learning how these past events were and are part of what the society that we have built. The changing of paradigm that are part of this history. Therefore, the evolution of our society. History has taught me that our society is always evolving; sometimes it goes in the wrong direction, for instance wars, which have taken place for centuries. Many of these wars were related to religious beliefs and later on to today these wars are connected to economic issues and
  Post 7: Career Related Website OR An Expert on your Field  For this post, you have to choose only ONE of these 2 options: Topic A : Tell us about a career-oriented website you enjoy visiting. Include this information: ·         Describe the website and provide the link. ·         How often do you visit it? ·         Explain why you like the site. ·         Who would you recommend it to? Upload pictures Topic B : Tell us about an expert/person in your field that you admire. Include this information: ·         Why do you admire this person? ·         What has this person done/contributed? ·         Provide a short biography of this person Upload pictures Make comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts Word Count: 150 words   My favorite psychologist Viktor Emil Frankl (26 March 1905 – 2 September 1997) was an Austrian Holocust survivor, neurologist, paychiatrist and author. He was the founder of logotheraphy (literally "healing through meaning&q